I used to be a relatively successful youth pastor. I made all the right noises. I loved my job. I was a decent public speaker. I could organise a lush wide game. I had 'results'. Young people connected with the programs I ran.

I was good at telling people what to do.

Christianity defined who I was. My value - my ego was in Christianity, not so much in God. I lived a 'Christian' life because it served me well. It defined who I was.
Does that mean that I didn't love God? I don't think so. I didn't do the 'Christian' living because I am bad, but because I wanted to be someone.

I needed Christianity for my own insecurities to be someone. Being a Christian leader made me somebody. It stroked my ego. I pleased people and in return this pleased me. I was defined as a person by Christian living not by Christ.


As I look around, most people seem to be defined by the roles that they live in life. The manager, the submissive housewife, the great mom, The Christian, The successful business owner...

I saw people holding titles when they should have let go.

So I have come to a place where I can let go. I find my security in the deep 'I am' where it connects with the 'Being'.

I am on a journey. I am not sure where it will take it, but I do know that I can only live right NOW.

I still have plans and dreams, but I don't live in them. I don't live for them. I try to absorb NOW. Where I am is. 

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