For too long I have been spending a lot of my energy on trying to shape my thinking into what and who I want it to think.

Cogito Ergo Sum: I think. therefore I am - by Rene Descartes
I used to believe this 100%. We as humans are different from animals because we think all the time. My thinking defines and decides who I am.

I have been wrestling with my thinking for years and years. If I am honest I have been wrestling with my thinking for as long as I can remember.

This week I had one of the most revealing revelations. I realized that I am more than my thinking. My thinking is not who I am. Often my mind tells me what and who I am, but I am so much more than that. My 'I am' is very different than my ego - The person I think I am.

I allow the past to define who I am. I struggle with worrying about the future. I live in constant conflict in my head with my own self.

Holding Peace and Love In Our Hearts

This week for the first time in long time I found peace with myself.
The bible often talks about peace, and I never understood it. I always thought it was about not fighting with others, or being happy... Only now I found inner peace is the beginning of joy and true happiness. I found peace with the 'I am' in me. That perfect side of me that is create in God's image.

No longer will I be defined by the past, what other people think or by what looms in the future. I am trying to be present. Live in the now. See now around me. Realize my mind is a tool to be used. It should not use me and rule me.

The past is gone. The Future is not mine yet. I only have NOW. (Tweet This)

So I breath in and out. Stop for moments and try to be present.

This might sound strange. It might sounds like Eastern meditation which is similar in some ways. I believe it is deeper in that I am not trying to check out, but check in deeper in who God created me to be.

I am trying to be real with my feelings and emotions. My heart is as much part of me as my brain. I feel things I don't understand at the moment. I fought those feelings and thoughts. I am now surrendering those feelings to the bigger 'I am'. I am leaving those feelings to God while appreciating that they are there and they are real. Acknowledging that only God can change them. Maybe they are meant to be, Maybe they are neediness for my ego.

For me not living under the control of my mind is a real step towards freedom. Stopping the slavery conducted by my mind. I am finding enlightenment. A freedom to be rather than do. Who I am is no longer defined by others or the outside, what I do, my insecurities or fears. But by going to the 'I am' who lives within me and where 'I am' connects with 'I AM'.

With thank to Eckhart Tolle and Hando Ferreira for walking a different road with me.

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