I have become too serious! That was the realization of the week. I have forgotten to rejoice, have a laugh and to create some general shallow banter.

Life can easily become too serious. Don't get me wrong. Life is difficult, challenging and confusing at times. I am in the middle of some conundrums and paradoxes myself, but those should not rob me of my happiness, joy and smiles. I am taking myself way too seriously.

Are you taking yourself to seriously?

On Monday evening, I went to the streets to celebrate Asana's birthday.  Click here to read her story. The homeless people I meet have a rough deal. They live in suffering. Life is difficult for them. There are few reasons to celebrate anything. Truthfully, I have wondered a couple of times out loud how they find the will to live. 

Asana's birthday fell on the 26th. I had to do something for her. So on Monday evening myself and Lisa (a friend visiting from the UK) took along some celebration food and presents for Asana. She really wanted soap and some other beauty products.

As I sat on the streets, I heard my friends sing their own African style "Happy birthday". A call and answer version. It was beautiful. Asana was smiling. It made me realize that through all the challenges, life is a good gift worth celebrating.

When is the last time you had a laugh?

The pain, sadness, conundrums and paradoxes might still be there, but I am finding space for laughing, enjoyment and general joy in life. We have to.

Laughter is medicine to the soul! (Tweet This)
I used to live by the YOLO mantra. -You Only Live Once. I going back to that place.
Now smile...Please!!

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