South Africa, my country is second on the gap between rich and poor list in the world.
I employ six staff. I pay them salaries. So I looked into minimum salaries as proscribed in the South African law.

They are low, very low.
You might be pleased to know that I pay my staff substantially more than the minimum wage, but I am sure there are many people who just earn the minimum.

I like a challenge...

The Challenge: Live for a month on the minimum wage which is R2600 - $216 in the agricultural sector which is where my main job is.

Some parameters:
- I don't have to pay rent so I will give my rental money - which I worked out by taking the average rent my staff pay - to a charity
- I have a company car which I need for work. I cannot run my company without transport. I will pay my bus fee to and from work to charity
- I will do this experiment all by myself. My kids will not be affected by this. School fees, food and other things for them will be provided as normal.
- I will keep a record of all my expenses so I can track all my spending.

- Can I do it? We all need challenges in life. (Tweet This)
- I want to know how the other side shop, live, think about money...

The result
I don't know.
I don't expect to really understand poverty, but I will hopefully get an insight.
I trust that I will learn some things.

What's in it for you?
Some updates from the other side of the beautiful Port Elizabeth in South Africa. Most likely some stories about being hungry and annoyed at being poor. Maybe some deep, but probably more shallow thoughts on life and it's 'meaning'.

I would love you to connect more with me through Twitter or Instagram