I am a passport holding European. I live in Africa. I love Africa.
I see myself as a pale African. I belong here. In a continent of conflict - in a continent of love - in a continent of life

But once in a while I go back to my 'mother'land. I visit the poor bastards who believe vitamin D starvation is natural, who believe that three days sun in a row is a great summer, who believe white people can dance...

I have never been so angry. I fumed for days. I needed to be calmed down. I wanted to punch some lovely people in the head. - I didn't

I met European entitlement.
Entitlement is a word I have always associated with Africa. Mainly in a context of middle class people telling me how unreasonable the poor are for wanting running water, housing, free schooling, education, hospitals...
I often choose to agree. I have become more capitalist than socialist by living in Africa. It keeps me sane. It justifies my life in a context of massive poverty. - I worked for it, so should they.

In Europe, I met unemployed people who have yearly holiday from looking for work.
You hear this right. People who are doing nothing take holiday from doing nothing to do ---- NOTHING!!!
And this is ok - I guess
But the people in the system expect this.

The expectations are sky high. And with this people can only be disappointed.

In Africa we celebrate the small 'normalities'. In Europe we lament the small 'defects'.